Saturday, August 12, 2023

Pitcher Mountain (W1/HA-152)...Picture Perfect

This summit might as well be a drive up. About 0.45 mi climb. About 10-15 min tops. Fire tower not open at the top, but you can ascend to get a descent view of Monadnock and Sunapee. Didn't want to hang my antenna from the tower--didn't want to get caught up in all the other J-poles and dishes hanging off the fire tower. Used my (compromise) AX-1 instead. Only occasional QRM operating and a bit slow going based on condx.

Monadnock in the distance

Update on Access to Dakin Hill (W1/HA-212)

11 Aug 2023

Heavy June/July rains have taken a toll on access via Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway Trail! Access described by AA6XA (KB1KXL) from the Rt 9 parking lot via walkway/culvert running under Rte 9 is unavailable due to washouts. Yes, one can scurry across the road, but considerable care is required.

There were also considerable washouts on the trail itself. I saw a young man sweating out trying to free his 4-wheeler on my ascent. Even his dad with a 4x4 pickup was having challenges extracting him from the ruts. Fortunately, I didn't see them on my descent. I assume they figured it out.

Washouts on the trail

More washouts...

While some areas to the right and left of the trail were posted, there was no sign on restrictions when I started bushwhacking to the summit. I set my compass to ~320 deg mag and started moving up the shoulder of the hill. Lots of scrub brush, but trekking poles and a good spray of Permethrin that morning helped navigate up and down the summit...tick free.

No view, but nice respite.

No real view, but a nice respite. Tough time making contacts. Two on 20M, none on 40M, and two on 2M FM. That's the risk of a weekday activation.